Keep Your Business Clean During COVID-19

Keep Your Business Clean During COVID-19

For Soft Surfaces

Different kinds of surfaces require different methods of cleaning and disinfecting. Here are some ways to deal with your soft surfaces (carpet, rugs, drapes, etc.) Start by cleaning the surface with soap and water or other cleaners that are intended for the surface in question. Next you should launder the items if that is possible. Do it in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions while using the hottest water setting that is appropriate. Then completely dry the items.

Tips For Electronics

We all know that we’re supposed to be washing our hands frequently. But something that isn’t getting mentioned as much is cleaning the things that are in our hands a lot — our electronic devices. If you were to wash your hands and then immediately pick up a filthy phone, it’s like you didn’t even wash in the first place.One thing you might be able to do for your phone, table, and other devices is putting on a wipeable cover. Otherwise, you should follow any manufacturer’s instructions about cleaning and disinfecting these items. With the current situation, most companies are releasing helpful tips for cleaning their specific devices. If you have no guidance from the manufacturer, you should be ok using alcohol-based wipes or spray that have 70 percent or more alcohol. Be sure you get them completely dry when you are done.

If Someone Is Sick

It can be scary to know that someone has been sick in your office or facility. If this is the case, you may want to have a professional come in and make sure everything is as clean as possible. Or if you want to do the work yourself, there are some things that you’ll want to make sure happen.

  • Any areas that were used by the person who is sick need to be closed off as much as possible.
  • Increase the air circulation in that area by opening doors and windows. Wait at least 24 hours to perform the cleaning and disinfecting if you can.
  • Now you can clean and disinfect all of the areas that person has been in. Make sure to hit anything and everything that you can. After a week has passed, you can return to your normal cleaning and disinfecting routines.

Safe Cleaning

Follow these tips to help ensure that the person or people doing the cleaning are doing it safely.

  • In addition to wearing gloves, it may be necessary for additional personal protective equipment. This is especially necessary when chemicals are involved and there is the potential of it splashing. When finished, be sure that any gloves, gowns, etc are carefully disposed of.
  • This is a very important time to wash your hands properly — with soap and water and at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer if you don’t have soap and water.

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How Can We Help?

When I receive your request for estimate, we will schedule a walk-through of your facilities, and you will get a custom cleaning and disinfection plan only a few hours later.

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